Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Achieving My Maths Goal

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Today Romeo achieved his maths goal. He has been learning to read and write numbers to 20 e.g. 15, 17, 12. He was able to explain his learning to his teachers. Great learning Romeo!

Monday, 10 April 2017

New Writing Goal

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Romeo has picked his new writing goal.  That is a great choice Romeo.  You will have to listen to all the sounds you can hear in the word and write the letters down.  That is very tricky but we know you can do it!

Writing Goal

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Well done Romeo for reaching your goal.  I wonder what goal you will choose next to work on?

"I had to sound out the sound in a word. I sounded out the first letter in rabbit."

Author's Chair

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Romeo has been working hard during Write to Self time and has written lots and lots of letters. He was able to share this with the class and is going to try writing lots of words next time he does Write to Self. You are a great author Romeo!

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Music Pattern

For Friday Surprise Day, we continued our exploration into patterns. Today we used music to create a pattern. Can your child explain their pattern? Can you make a new pattern together?